Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Young Ukranian Man dies Supicious Death In Ukraine..Human Rights gone Wrong?

Greetings fellow bloggers and readers!

This story broke 2 weeks ago in Euronews. I would wish for you to pay attention to this one. I believe it is worthy of a human rights inquiry!!! According to the parents, their son died and was beaten and tortured while in police custody. Ukraine has a gentleman running for an official position in the country as a human rights protection Ombudsman. So, it is apparent that their is an ongoing problem within the country that they have apparently recognized.

    Everywhere their is a need to elevate the fact that Global Human Rights are for everyone!!! Please, if you get a few minutes, send an email to the Ukrainian Presidents office.! You can email the Ukrainian embassy in canada at:  emb_ca@ukremb.ca.  I know it is not the most direct route, but enough attention might get the pot of soup from cold to a little simmer, right?
How about an email to the US State department Human Rights office?  http://www.humanrights.gov

Let them know you are watching what goes on in the Ukraine. WE CARE about people. It is our mission to care about all types... every type of rights...  everywhere, correct?
   Thank-you to those that see my blog and follow it. Spend an extra minute. Forward this post. Tweet it. Put it into the spotlight on the Internet. Post it on Face-book. Let that family know that just lost their son two weeks ago, at the hand of the police in the Ukraine, that human rights are for everyone and that we care. Global Human Rights Are For Everyone!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trouble In Kohny-dise 2012

Unbelievable....Did you hear what the most successful video with over 100 million hits on Youtube, and co chairman and CEO of Kohny 2012 was setting the example doing this weekend in California? Frankly, I do not think anyone else really does either.Why do our most successful people seem to not be able to handle it? Either way, I have lost a great deal of respect for this man. He has embarrassed himself, his family, and the human rights world that meaningfully spend hours, weeks, months, years, decades on this cause. I hope he gets himself together and can somehow bounce back from this so someone might take anything he says seriously again. Click on the link above for the complete early story. Global Human Rights Are For Everyone!!



Saturday, March 10, 2012

Christian Pastor sentenced to execution in Iran

Young 34 year old in home Christian pastor and wife have children taken away and both arrested in Iran. The charges you ask? Refusal to renounce Christian faith and follow Islam. Although the Iranian constitution supposedly allows for a person to follow other than Islam apparently the government has had a change in heart. It is getting or should I say staying bad for human rights in Iran. Their is no such thing as freedom of religion at least not in this case. Click on the link in this title and read this heartfelt article. Lets hope that Iran has not already ended this young mans life. His faith is all that he might have left when he goes before the execution squad in secret....in Iran. make some noise for the International human rights NGo's to step up their vigilance! Tweet your followers, alert your Face book friends, contact your congressional representatives....no man should be executed because of their religious faith regardless of where they were born!!!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Greetings, I am Back..Renewed Vitality and New Book regarding Global Human Rights

It gives me great pleasure to announce the completion of my manuscript entitled 'So Many Humans, Too Few Rights. At this moment I am working out the details with the Literary Agent/Publisher. I am accepting advanced orders, but at this moment, I do not know what the price will be for the book. The better news is that I am going to announce here on this Blog, what the book will be about; at least in part. Hopefully, you will see an interest the same way you did in my writings on my Blog as evidenced by the way you gave me such support by following my Blog so closely.

The book basically is a content analysis and case study of three powerful N Go's, for example,  Amnesty International, whose mission it is to identify global human rights abuse, and then find a way to stop them by whatever means are legally possible!! What I did as a political scientist ,was to follow the plights of these 3 N Go's over a 15 year period commencing the end of the cold war(1989). I then compared the findings of human rights abuse with the human rights congressional resolutions announced in the United States Congress for the same 15 year period, 1989-2004. This I called a longitudinal study. 

I can not give you much more about the book than that or you might not want to buy it. Just kidding you, anyways the book is on its way to availability and should be available in several formats.

I hope you contact me with your interest in finding out how N Go's, human rights abuse, and the US Congress are or maybe are not on the same team when it comes to global  human rights abuse. If your in the education field, this might be the perfect book for the classroom to educate students, in political science or American Government course work. Obviously,you may want to give it a read and make your own decision.

Email me at: william.humanwrites.manosh7@gmail.com with your intent to order and the number of copies you may need. You may also email me at willman_66@yahoo.com That is an underscore after Willman. Thank-you.