Saturday, September 5, 2009

Social Entrepreneurs, Finding Innovation When Others Struggle

There is a literally transparent organization I recently unearthed today while working through another social peace network. I was so impressed with there work, I felt compelled to share there organization with you my readers. Some of you may even feel a need to get involved, and there are many ways in which you are able to do just that. (if the mood should hit) The organization is called You can follow the link in the title to this post to learn all about them. Of course in particular I was interested in there mandate concerning the preservation of human rights on an international level.Much to my amazement, they have quite a network going!Human Rights Overview
In the previous link, you will find out what this organization does for human rights! I am glad to see them on the human rights venue!!! I quote the site"

"The principles of human rights address the global struggles for equity, liberty, and justice. Pursuing their application is often a harrowing, even, daring feat on the part of human rights defenders. Dedicated to tackling the root causes for injustice, many of these individuals have witnessed violations first hand. Ashoka supports their innovative ideas for securing human rights for all peoples around the globe.

Ashoka Fellows are pursuing initiatives that secure both civil and political rights—freedom of expression, due process, political representation—and economic, social, and cultural rights—health, food, housing, employment."

This sounds like an excellent mandate to me. As you know I an advocating for the same things as they are! This is practically the definition found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafted in 1948 word for word nearly!

Of course we need to know more about this organization before we go to the bank per say right? So lets investigate a bit more: Sp you can link here:

Ashoka Facts and History:


  • Founded in 1980 by Bill Drayton in Washington, DC
  • Named, created and pioneered the global field of social entrepreneurship
  • Elected the first Ashoka Fellows in India in 1981
  • Started with an annual budget of $50,000, grown to nearly $30 million in 2006


  • Founded on the premise that the most effective way to promote positive social change is to invest in social entrepreneurs with innovative solutions that are sustainable and replicable, both nationally and globally.
  • Ashoka is represented by the oak tree. A strong, sturdy tree, the oak represents the power of Ashoka's commitment and contributions to building the profession of social entrepreneurship. A broad-spreading tree, it is symbolic of those dimensions of Ashoka's programs that select, launch and foster collaborations among social entrepreneurs around the world.

Origin of the Name

  • Named to honor Ashoka, the Indian leader who unified the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BC, renouncing violence and dedicating his life to social welfare and economic development. For his creativity, global mindedness and tolerance, Ashoka is renowned as the earliest example of a social innovator.

Around the World

  • Established programs in over 60 countries and supports the work of over 2000 Fellows
  • Employs 160 staff in 25 regional offices throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa

Legal and Financial Status

  • Registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization in the United States
  • Financed by individuals, foundations and business entrepreneurs from around the world. Ashoka does not accept funding from government entities. Individual and institutional endowment funds provide for Ashoka's long-term stability.
Quite impressive, very much a "behind the scenes organization". I have to ask myself what have they been up to for so long? This organization is in need of much more research to make a real good analysis to determine exactly how to decide why, it would seem anyways, that they have been so "transparent" like a "stealth bomber", for some Air Force jargon for you vets that might be reading this. I bet readers in India have heard of this group!! We will keep our eyes open to see what more developments occur with this group in the future!
