Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Young Ukranian Man dies Supicious Death In Ukraine..Human Rights gone Wrong?

Greetings fellow bloggers and readers!

This story broke 2 weeks ago in Euronews. I would wish for you to pay attention to this one. I believe it is worthy of a human rights inquiry!!! According to the parents, their son died and was beaten and tortured while in police custody. Ukraine has a gentleman running for an official position in the country as a human rights protection Ombudsman. So, it is apparent that their is an ongoing problem within the country that they have apparently recognized.

    Everywhere their is a need to elevate the fact that Global Human Rights are for everyone!!! Please, if you get a few minutes, send an email to the Ukrainian Presidents office.! You can email the Ukrainian embassy in canada at:  emb_ca@ukremb.ca.  I know it is not the most direct route, but enough attention might get the pot of soup from cold to a little simmer, right?
How about an email to the US State department Human Rights office?  http://www.humanrights.gov

Let them know you are watching what goes on in the Ukraine. WE CARE about people. It is our mission to care about all types... every type of rights...  everywhere, correct?
   Thank-you to those that see my blog and follow it. Spend an extra minute. Forward this post. Tweet it. Put it into the spotlight on the Internet. Post it on Face-book. Let that family know that just lost their son two weeks ago, at the hand of the police in the Ukraine, that human rights are for everyone and that we care. Global Human Rights Are For Everyone!


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