Thursday, September 24, 2009

The 15th Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians

Oh my gosh. I discovered this newly released document which depicts global human rights abuses. I will just say it is a "site-map," from a historian point of view, regarding human rights abuse from almost every country that has been criticized for human rights abuse! I felt OBLIGATED to share the link on this blog. If there is any country that you may have an interest in, it is likely you will find factual information about historical references to there human rights abuses, in detail, including names of perpetrators, dates of offenses, and citations, to include sources for that information. It's an awesome bookmark reference, that should be shelved as such for information relating to any type of human rights research, by country, that you might be conducting from a historical perspective.

I know that after perusing it, quite thoroughly, there was way to much information to just randomly pick a particular country , so I decided to do a brief overview of the contents of this free, online reference. I hope you will enjoy it. As much work that went into it, I am sure that you will find it to be invaluable to your human rights bookshelves as an online PDF resource.
