Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Nigeria: Police Are Perpetrators of Human Right Violations - Cord Henrick Moeller (Page 1 of 1) Nigeria: Police Are Perpetrators of Human Right Violations - Cord Henrick Moeller (Page 1 of 1)

1 comment:

  1. "In a paper presented by renown Human right activists Shamaki Gad Peter titled: "challenges and success of policing women and children in Nigeria According to him, many rape cases either against women or children go unreported, due to ignorance and failure on the part of the community to properly police rape, cruel cultural and religious practices and poverty.

    He revealed, that poverty and corruption have continued to affect various aspect of our social and national life as a people. Many are simply unaware of their rights due to high level of illiteracy adding that many who are aware are too poor to support the struggle and clamor for a change."

    The situation on the ground there indeed really is just pitiful for human rights. There rally are no human rights. No one even knows what human rights are! This is the impression that the article is giving to me anyways.



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